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  • Beebe, B., Crown, C. L., Jasnow, M., Sossin, K. M., Kaitz, M., Margolis, A., & Lee, S. H. (2023). The vocal dialogue in 9/11 pregnant widows and their infants: Specificities of co-regulation. Infant behavior & development, 70, 101803.

  • Beebe, B., Sossin, B. K., Cohen, P., Moskowitz, S., Reiswig, R., Tortora, S., & Friedman. D. D. (2021) Close Observation of Mother-Infant Interactive Process in the Wake of Traumatic Loss: The September 11, 2001 Primary Prevention Project, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 18:3, 314-335, DOI: 10.1080/1551806X.2021.1953869

  • ​Beebe, B., Hoven, C. W., Kaitz, M., Steele, M., Musa, G., Margolis, A., Ewing, J., Sossin, K. M., & Lee, S. H. (2020). Urgent engagement in 9/11 pregnant widows and their infants: Transmission of trauma. Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies, 25(2), 165–189.

  • Beebe, B. (2018). Risk & Resilience in 9/11 Pregnant Widows and Their Infants at 4 Months: Urgent Engagement. Manuscript in preparation, New York State Psychiatric Institute.

  • Beebe, B. & Markese, S. (2011). Theory and research that informed the clinical approach of the project for mothers, infants, and young children of September 11, 2001. J Infant, Child Adoles. Psychother.10: 170-186.

  • Beebe, B. & Jaffe, J. (2011). Description of the project: A longitudinal primary prevention project for mothers pregnant and widowed in the World Trade Center tragedy of September 11, 2001, and their young children. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 10: 156-169.

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