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  • Lavelli, M., Stefana, A., Lee, S. H., & Beebe, B. (2022). Preterm infant contingent communication in the neonatal intensive care unit with mothers versus fathers.Developmental Psychology, 58(2), 270–285.

  • Terrace, H. S., Bigelow, A. E., & Beebe, B. (2022). Intersubjectivity and the Emergence of Words. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 693139. Download

  • Liu, R., DeSerisy, M., Fox, N.A., Herbstman, J.B., Rauh, V.A., Beebe, B. and Margolis, A.E. (2022), Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal stress predict infant individual differences in reactivity and regulation and socioemotional development. J Child Psychol Psychiatr.

  • Margolis, A. E., Lee, S. H., Peterson, B. S., & Beebe, B. (2019). Profiles of infant communicative behavior. Developmental psychology, 55(8), 1594–1604.

  • Beebe, B., Myers, M., Lee, S. H., Lange, A. Ewing, J., Rubinchik, N., Andrews, H. Austin, J. Hane, A., Margolis, A., Hofer, M., Ludwig, R., Welch, M. (2018). Family Nurture Intervention For Preterm Infants Facilitates Positive Mother-Infant Face-to-Face Engagement at Four Months. Developmental Psychology.  Download.

  • Harrison, A. & Beebe, B. (2018, in press). Rhythms of dialogue in infant research and child analysis: Implicit/Explicit therapeutic action. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Download.

  • Bigelow, A., Beebe, B., Power, M., Stafford, A., Ewing J., Egleson, A., Kaminer, T. (2018). Longitudinal relations among maternal depressive symptoms, maternal mind-mindedness, and infant attachment behavior. Infant Behavior and Development, 51, 33-44. Download.

  • Galligan, R., Beebe, B., Milne, D., Ewing, J., Lee, S.H., Buck, K.A. (2018). Maternal into-the-face behavior, shared attention, and infant distress during face-to-face play at 12 months: Bi-directional contingencies. Infancy, 1-20. ISSN: 1525-0008 print / 1532-7078 online DOI: 10.1111/infa.12234 Download.

  • Beebe, B. & Lachmann, F. (2017). Maternal self-critical and dependent personality styles and mother-infant communication. Journal American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 65, 491-508. Download.

  • Steele, M., Steele, H., Beebe, B. (2017). Applying an attachment and microanalytic lens to “embodied mentalization:” Commentary on “Mentalizing homostasis: The social origins of interoceptive inference” by Fotopoulou and Tsakiris. Neuropsychoanalysis, 19, 59-66.  

  • Beebe, B. (2017). Daniel Stern: Microanalysis and the empirical infant research foundations. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 37, 228-241. Download.

  • Houghton, R. & Beebe, B. (2016). Dance movement therapy: Learning to look through video microanalysis. American Journal of Dance Therapy. DOI 10.1007/s10465-016-9226-0 Download.

  • Chazan, S., Kuchirko, Y., Beebe, B. & Sossin, M. (2016). A longitudinal study of traumatic play activity using the children’s developmental play instrument (CDPI). J. of Infant, Child Adoles. Psychother., 15(1), 1-25. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Messinger, D., Bahrick, L. E., Margolis, A., Buck, K. A., & Chen, H. (2016). A systems view of mother–infant face-to-face communication. Developmental Psychology, 52(4), 556–571. doi:10.1037/a0040085 Download.    

  • Beebe, B. (2014). Myron Hofer’s synthesis of evolution and development: A commentary. Neuropsychoanalysis, 16 (1), 23-28. Download.

  • Beebe, B. & Steele, M. (2013). How does microanalysis of mother–infant communication inform maternal sensitivity and infant attachment? Attachment and Human Development, 15 (5-6), 583-602. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Lachmann, F., Jaffe, J., Markese, S., Buck, K., Chen, H., Cohen, P, Feldstein, S. & Andrews, H. (2012). Maternal depressive symptoms and 4-month mother-infant interaction. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 29 (4), 383- 407. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Lachmann, F., Markese, S., Buck, K., Bahrick, L., Chen, H., Cohen, P., Andrews, H., Feldstein, S. & Jaffe, J. (2012). On the origins of disorganized attachment and internal working models: Paper II. An empirical microanalysis of 4-month mother-infant interaction. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 22:352–374. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Lachmann, F., Markese, S. & Bahrick, L. (2012). On the origins of disorganized attachment and internal working models: Paper I. A dyadic systems approach. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 22:2, 253-272. Download.​​

  • Beebe, B., Steele, M.,Jaffe, J., Buck, K., Chen, H., Cohen, P., Kaitz, M., Markese, S., Feldstein, S., & Andrews, H. (2011). Maternal anxiety and 4-month mother-infant self- and interactive contingency. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32 (2), 174–206. Download.

  • Demetri Friedman, D., Beebe, B., Jaffe, J. Ross, D. & Triggs, S. (2010). Microanalysis of 4-Month Infant Vocal Affect Qualities and Maternal Postpartum Depression. Clinical Social Work J. 38, 8-16. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Markese, S., Buck, K., Chen, H., Cohen, P., Bahrick, L., Andrews, H., & Feldstein, S. (2010). The origins of 12-month attachment: A microanalysis of 4-month mother-infant interaction. Attachment & Human Development, 12 (1-2), 1-135. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Chen, H., Buck, K., Cohen, P., Feldstein, S. & Andrews, H. (2008). Six-week postpartum depressive symptoms and 4-month mother-infant self- and interactive contingency. Infant Mental Health Journal, 29 (5), 442-471. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Badalamenti, A. Jaffe, J., Marquette, L., Helbraun, E., Andrews, H. & Ellman, L. (2008). Distressed mothers and their infants use less efficient timing mechanisms in creating visual expectancies. J. Psycholinguistic Research, 37 (5), 293-307. Download.

  • Kaminer, T., Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Kelly, K. & Marquette, L. (2007). Mothers’ dependent and self-critical depressive experience is related to speech content with infants. J. Early Childhood Infant Psychol., 163-184. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Buck, K., Chen, H., Cohen, P., Blatt, S., Kaminer, T., Feldstein, S. & Andrews, H. (2007). Six-week postpartum maternal self-criticism and dependency and 4-month mother-infant self- and interactive contingencies. Developmental Psychology, 43 (6), 1360-1376. Download

  • Koulomzin, M., Beebe, B., Anderson, S., Jaffe, J., Feldstein, S., & Crown, C. (2002). Infant gaze, head, face and self-touch at 4 months differentiate secure vs. avoidant attachment at 1 year: A microanalytic approach. Attachment and Human Development, 4 (1), 3-24. Download.

  • Beebe, B., Jaffe, J., Lachmann, F., Feldstein, S., Crown, C., & Jasnow, J. (2000). Systems models in development and psychoanalysis: The case of vocal rhythm coordination and attachment. Infant Mental Health Journal, 21, (1-2), 99-122. Download.

  • Feldstein, S., Jaffe, J., Beebe, B., Crown, C.L., Jasnow, M., Fox, H., & Gordon, S. (1993). Coordinated timing in adult-infant vocal interactions: A cross-site replication. Infant Behavior & Development, 16: 455-470.

  • Beebe, B., Alson, D., & Jaffe, J. (1988). Vocal congruence in mother-infant play. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 17 (3), 245-259. 

  • Beebe, B. (1986). Mother-infant mutual influence and precursors of self- and object representations. J. Masling (Ed.), Empirical studies of psychoanalytic theories (pp. 27-48). Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. Download.

  • Beebe, B., & Gerstman, L. (1984). A method of defining "packages" of maternal stimulation and their functional significance for the infant. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 7, 423-440. 

  • Beebe, B., & Gerstman, L. (1980). The "packaging" of maternal stimulation in relation to infant facial-visual engagement. A case study at four months. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 26,(4), 321-339. 

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